Monday, November 28, 2016

Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur

Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur(Allocebus trichotis) By Emily Sydow

Image sourced from Nick Garbutt
The Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur resides in the rain forests of Madagascar. He can typically be found in pairs with a few offspring. So little is known about the Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur that gestation period and longevity are unknown. He forages in the brush on the forest floor for his favorite foods; including honey, nectar, fruit, insects, and leaves. He's rarely seen and avoids human activity at all costs. He's nocturnal and likes to sleep in nests made in the holes of trees. 

Geographic and Population Changes: The species is endemic to the island of Madagascar. Historically, the species had only been found on both sides of the Mananara River(IUCN). In recent
years the species has been found in a greater range throughout the island. The populations are severely fragmented with patchy distributions at low densities. There have not been enough surveys to estimate population densities, but IUCN states that the current population trend is decreasing. (Image sourced from

IUCN Red List: The Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur was listed on the IUCN Red List as vulnerable since 2014. The date assessed was July 12th, 2011. Previously, the species was listed as endangered from 1986- 2008, when there was not sufficient data to assess the species’ status. The species has undergone a population decline of more than 30% within a period of 15 years. 

Why is the Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur in Danger?
The species has been hunted for food but the primary cause of it’s vulnerable position has been “slash-and-burn agriculture and logging that has led to a decline in area, extent, and quality of habitat”(IUCN). The species is quite shy, and can not live near human developments; which severely constricts available habitat space.(Images from National Science Institute)   

Recovery Plan:
According to the IUCN, conservation actions of the Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur include it’s securement within five national parks in Madagascar, as well as within four nature reserves. Plans have been laid for more survey work to record the density, biology, and ecology of the species. Due to the fact that awareness of this species’ vulnerability is low, there have not been significant conservation efforts for them. However, slash-and-burn agriculture in Madagascar has been widely criticized; and the species has found relief under umbrella species for which conservation efforts are much greater. 

But What Can You DO?
Madagascar may be half a world away, but there are actions that YOU can take to help conserve the Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur. The species is most affected by slash-and burn agriculture, so efforts to curb the practice are most beneficial. You can donate to reforestation groups that plant trees and educate farmers on sustainable farming techniques and spread awareness. You can also pledge not to buy Rosewood, a commonly harvested tree that has been the cause of much deforestation.  Or you can take direct action and join a conservation group. Trip to Madagascar to plant some trees, anyone? 


Word Count: 520 


  1. I recognize this guy from Madagascar the movie
    -Idene Abhari

  2. It's too bad there is such low awareness for the endangerment of the Hairy-ear dwarf lemur. I suppose it's lucky there are umbrella species that can positively effect other threatened species, however we should work on educating the public as to what they are purchasing and how it affects the environment.
    - Lukas Wegmuller
